About Hunt Ridge Montessori

Head of School's Welcome
Welcome to the Hunt Ridge Montessori School! We first opened our doors in September, 1983 – when we welcomed six children to their first day of school. Today, we are delighted to teach 85 children each day based on the principles set forth by Maria Montessori.
Please enjoy your look into the daily lives of the children at Hunt Ridge. We welcome you to stop by or call the school office for an observation appointment. Come and see first-hand the wonderful endeavors, friendships and joys we call The Hunt Ridge Montessori School!


Kathleen Zwahlen
​Head of School
Our Mission

​The Hunt Ridge Montessori School is located in the heart of Fairfield, Connecticut. Founded in 1983, our Mission is to foster the development of each child by providing an intellectually rich and rewarding Montessori curriculum in a safe, caring and joyful environment. All of our daily activities are carried out in an atmosphere of respect for the child and respect for one another. We strive to promote academic excellence, individuality, independence, imagination, creativity, self-direction and self-esteem. We welcome and honor culture, ethnic, religious, and economic diversity and we are committed to teaching peace, joy for one another’s accomplishments, and global awareness. Parental involvement is important in all aspect of the school’s operation, thus we work to cultivate a genuine sense of extended family and community.
Our Philosophy

The Hunt Ridge Montessori School’s philosophy is consistent with the teachings of Dr. Maria Montessori. We provide an environment in which children are able to freely cultivate their own natural desire to learn. At The Hunt Ridge Montessori School, we emphasize the development of all facets of a child’s unfolding personality-social, emotional, cognitive and physical. The child is allowed to develop at his/her own pace according to their capabilities, and is in a noncompetitive atmosphere.
Each Primary classroom is comprised of children three (3) to six (6) years old. The classrooms present many attractive learning and discovery activities from which the child may choose. Activities are chosen by the child according to his/her own interests and level of performance. Small and large group activities are also planned. The Montessori teacher (directress) acts as a guide to encourage individual exploration, discovery, trial, practice and achievement. The total program includes rich exposure to cultural studies, science, and geography and to many varied experiences in creative expression.